About Bonnie Bio The Arts on Purpose

About Bonnie (Bio)

Bonnie Fey Gilliams (b. 1962) was born in Massapequa, New York and since 1985 she is a resident of Indian River County, Florida. She is married for over thirty-six years and enjoys three adult children. Her children attended the University of Florida and graduated with high honors and all three are engineers. She is most proud they each care about people and our earth.

Bonnie is an author, abstract painter, and a potter. She is certified in the science based Pyramid Feng Shui. She loves yoga, and is very spiritual. The work of her life and her personal experiences brings her to where she is today…writing and arts…to share what she believes to be a very important message. 

Her early career includes being a New York licensed cosmetologist and make-up artist working with models and brides. When she relocated to Florida she crowned the first Miss Sebastian, opened a modeling agency, held beauty contests and shows, and casted extras for a local movie producer.

Later she became a licensed real estate broker owning two companies, and is a member of the Vero Beach Board of Realtors for over thirty years.

As an entrepreneur, she has owned and partnered in multiple businesses. Bonnie is a philanthropist working in the area of “Self” and marriage. She wants to use her art as a means to bring self awareness for furthering personal happiness and contentment in self and relationships.

Art has always been a part of Bonnie’s passions. As with most people life brings many challenges, she had a terrible auto wreck leaving her with seven screws and a plate in her wrist. She does less pottery now, and more painting.

In Bonnie’s art there is always a free flowing, strong boldness or message in her work. She signs her work as Bonniefey, which includes her maiden name because it aligns with her message she wants to make aware. Her art message includes to be true to self at core level, and strive to nurture your true identity.

She is the founder of Womenspath.Org, Inc. “Keeping Beauty in Betterment” ™. Bringing this mission forward ArtMeetsMarriage is on Instagram. Bonnie is in the final stages of completing three workbooks to companion her self-published, almost three hundred page book packed with the top experts, trusted science, and new ideas titled, ” The All States Marriage Handbook for Keeping a Lifetime; Marriage Sustainment” on Amazon $35. Bonnie’s other books are , “All States Marriage Sustainment Act; Florida Handbook”, and also the United States version. Both of these State books are available on Amazon affordably priced at just $7.99 and is packed with valuable resources. Her latest book includes the gender study and published in 2022; The Marriage Sustainment Act: A New System for Success Protect Your Marriage From The Start–written for pre-marriage and newlyweds.

Following the completion of the mentioned literary works, Bonnie enthusiastically has several other books coming out which includes the study of self through arts, and a bible study.