The Marriage Sustainment Act

The Marriage Sustainment Act©
Sharing the trusted education of experts.

(Idea created and originated by Bonnie Fey Gilliams, an American Social Entrepreneur, Artist, and Author.)

The Marriage Sustainment Act is a decentralized initiative for independent, and unique individualized self-directed education that includes many of the fields of knowledge. As a population we can not depend on government to do this for us, we must self-educate as our individual needs are unique. This 'Act" is not a government law.

However, lawmakers can create statute to share the knowledge openly to all the public through all Agencies.

Marriage is your business. The law can (if lawmakers decide too) provide tools and resources...but it will still be our job.

The Marriage Sustainment Act© is an idea that I created. When I first saw the Florida statute I was amazed. In 2023 it is still called Domestic Relations: Domestic Violence. It bothered me that the sanctity of marriage, and the very foundation of our family structure, the purest example of love; was immediately tarnished by a label of pain and suffering. I wrote books to assist in getting this needed information out.

Marriage crosses all State lines, I proposed resources be shared in Florida, and included the federal level.

Marriage comes with a life sentance of promise. To be loved and to love. It is hard enough to learn our self, how do we expect our spouse to do the same? I think there is an easier way to figure this out.

There is so much brokenness in relationships and if we just had the tools, in a system that brings much of the different knowledge fields together; to make it easier to find, learn, and spend time to figure out...maybe we could master experiencing more loving and kindness to our selves and with others; and not just with our partners, but with every other human being.

First, I aimed to change how marriage was represented in government. That was enormous, especially for one voter trying to effect change without an army of voters. So, I wrote a small book to help lawmakers. A big thank you to the U.S. Library of Congress (LOC). The book can be read in person in the Reading Room at the LOC in Washington. I researched for years. I wrote about three hundred pages and put all my work and my learned personal experiences under one cover to get as much info out to the public...hoping I might make a difference.

For example, when couples buy or rent a home together or other real estate--likely one if your biggest asset, would not it be a good idea to have a disclosure and listed resources on documents to educate each person about shared ownership? Marriage is not just about having a companion, it touches all; aspects of your life and there is no central system to share these facts to assist. This is how the government can help, reaching the masses with a simple system of education.

With everyday...I am still learning. I find this topic fascinating. It is a challenged road for most of us....the divorce rate and other statistics say so. The relationships experts say they have problems getting their hard and smart work to the public. I hope my work matters and assists with filling this gap.

How individuals relate to themselves and how they relate to others is an educational matter not easily being met.

For the public:

For the ones just getting married I developed a Marriage License Disclosure, and a beginner system.

For the ones needing marriage repair, any of the books I wrote may help. Check with your Library and if unavailable they can get access from the LOC., or buy a copy from

Maybe a lawmaker will decide to run this. Maybe I will keep trying, or maybe not. Marriage is becomiong more on the map--health insurance has opened up and more people are paying attention with our times compared to just a few years back.

Either way, It is our Act and we need to protect ourselves and all do our part.

Please visit Florida Statutes 741.
Summary Proposed Language:
Creating a new Title in statute called MARRIAGE
To assist in keeping Florida informed, MARRIAGE will be listed as an 
Issue, Title, and Category to promote and advance marriage success across all Florida government Departments and Agencies for the benefit of ALL the people.
Creating a lawful system for disclosure of where to find trusted free
sources for rights of individuals in marriage, and rights of couples
in marriage; civil, financial, health, shared asset ownership, where
divorce is supported marriage sustainment will be enhanced to
contribute equal in public awareness and resources.